
New Windows Can Change the Look and Feel of Your Entire Home

June 23rd, 2022 | in General Info
New Windows Can Change the Look and Feel of Your Entire Home

As we said in the title of this article, new windows can make your home feel completely different. Why is that? What is it about new windows that can make such a change?

In this blog article we're going explore some of the reasons.


Windows are famous for leaking air all around them. That happens when they're improperly installed or damaged or the wall around the window is damaged.

New windows that are properly installed will not leak air around them, and there will be a significant improvement in insulating against both hot and cold weather.

In addition, new windows will have glass that is much more energy efficient. They allow light in but keep heat and cold out.


Adding windows where you don't have any, or adding larger windows than you currently have will increase how much natural light comes into your rooms.

Increased natural light can make a home much more bright and cheerful and can also reduce your need to use artificial lighting.


Even if you replace windows with new windows that are exactly the same size, you can easily change the style or look of a room with a different style window. Window can look old-fashioned, sleek and contemporary and everything in between the two.

Property value

New windows that are much more energy efficient than older ones are appreciated by home buyers. It just one more thing that you can do to increase the value of your property.

Everyone loves something that improves insulation and energy efficiency. We think new windows are a great way to make some building improvements.

If you have some questions about replacing windows, please feel free to contact us. This is one of many services we provide in the restoration of buildings.

Westerly Restoration provides building envelope integrity inspections and restoration in Surrey, BC and the entire Greater Vancouver area. If you have any questions about this article or would like to talk to us about building envelopes or restoration, please call us at (778) 881-2877 or use the convenient form on our Contact page.

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